"PSYMBIOSYS"PRODUCT-SERVICE SYMBIOTIC SYSTEMS DESCRIPCIÓNProduct-service solutions are not a novelty for manufacturing domain, in particular for Europe. The renaissance of EU industry in the global marketplace currently threatened by low-wages Countries is indeed closely related to our ability to provide customers with innovative, personalised and STEEP-sustainable product-service solutions. Services are becoming more and more not just an optional adjunct to products (e.g. adding fuel cards or free insurance, governmental taxes paid for the purchase of a car), but they are integral part of manufacturing industries’ offer, able to differentiate the product value proposition, to take a significant part of the revenue stream and in some most disruptive cases even to substitute the traditional selling of products with more innovative service-oriented business models. OBJETIVOSThere are ten main measurable objectives along the research-innovation-market and the organisation-manufacturing-IT axes:. ![]() RESULTADOS OBTENIDOSAño 2015: During the first year of the project, use cases that will enable the validation of the functionality of the platform have been formally defined. In the scenario proposed by AIDIMA and ACTIU, based on a furniture office renovation Product-Service, requirements and functionality expected by the platform have been defined. Furthermore, solutions offered by technical partners have been evaluated to analyse its use in the implementation of the use case. Examples of these solutions are the ServLab by Fraunhofer IAO for the simulation of a virtual immersion in the office environment, the event processing tool CEP by IBM to monitor the use of the furniture through sensors, or the analysis tools by NTUA to evaluate the opinions of the workers regarding the office environment.
NOTICIAS PUBLICADASDifusión generalhttp://extranet.aidima.es/serviciosOnline/aidima_digital (...)http://www.aidima.eu/intelligent-furniture-and-offices-w (...)http://click.ug/9a9UbA (...)http://noticias.infurma.es/evento-2/mobiliario-y-oficina (...)http://www.noticiashabitat.com/2016/mobiliario-y-oficina (...)http://news.infurma.es/event/intelligent-furniture-and-o (...)http://www.imcb.info/noticia/9571/el-mueble-europeo-de-o (...)http://www.interempresas.net/Madera/Articulos/136781-mue (...)http://news.infurma.es/office-furniture/aidima-participa (...)http://www.madera-sostenible.com/mueble/aidima-participa (...)http://www.noticiashabitat.com/2015/actiu-participa-en-u (...)http://www.cocinaintegral.net/noticia/-aidima-technology (...)http://www.noticiashabitat.com/2015/el-mueble-europeo-de (...)http://www.lambdatres.com/2015/06/empresas-europeas-eval (...)http://es.kompass.com/e/es/article-b2b/el-mueble-europeo (...)http://www.tecnimadera.com/?p=371591 (...)URL´S RELACIONADASWEB DEL PROYECTOSOCIOSAIDIMME - INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO METALMECÁNICO, MUEBLE, MADERA, EMBALAJE Y AFINES, TXT E-SOLUTIONS SPA, LABORATOIRE VIRTUEL EUROPEEN DANS LE DOMAINE DE L'INTEROPERABILITE DES ENTERPRISES AISBL, POLITECNICO DI MILANO - COORDINADOR, NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS, ASOCIACION DE EMPRESAS TECNOLOGICAS INNOVALIA, FRATELLI PIACENZA S.P.A., FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V., BREMER INSTITUT FUER PRODUKTION UND LOGISTIK GMBH, IBM ISRAEL - SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, LTD, FINCONS SPA, NUEVA HERRAMIENTA DE CORTE, S.A., FTI ENGINEERING NETWORK GMBH, SUBVENCIÓN228.562,50 € "" EMPRESAS TRACTORASGracias a su apoyo y firma de la “declaración de participación” el proyecto ha podido ser financiado. EMPRESAS DIFUSIÓN PROYECTOS I+DQuieren conocer de primera mano la evolución del proyecto, y sus avances hasta el resultado final. EMPRESAS TRANSFERENCIA CONOCIMIENTOImplantarán tecnologías, desarrollarán estrategias o buscarán nuevos modelos a partir de los resultados. |