Nivel 2 - Pabellón 2 - Stand D72


Estimado cliente

AIDIMME tiene el placer de invitarle su stand N2-P2 D72 en ENCAJA 2019 donde podrá conocer y participar en la Plataforma B2B Europea "NIMBLE", con la que podrá ampliar su red de proveedores, encontrar clientes, tener mayor visibilidad en la red y ganar en competitividad.

Le facilitamos un link para que pueda obtener la entrada gratuita y acceder al recinto sin colas.

Nos vemos en ENCAJA 2019. ¡Venga a visitarnos!

AIDIMME is pleased to invite you to visit its Stand N2-P2 D72 at ENCAJA 2019 where you where you understand and participate in the European B2B Platform "NIMBLE", expanding your network of suppliers, find customers, having greater visibility in the network and gaining competitiveness.

Please find a link below where you can apply for free admission and access to the venue without queueing throughout the whole event.

We look forward to seeing you at ENCAJA 2019 . Come and visit us!